Shamrocks Announce Organizational Partnership

by Rod Wood

Victoria Shamrocks organizational partnership


Victoria, BC – The Intermediate, Junior and Senior Shamrocks teams and associations have existed in our community for many years. Although all Shamrocks in name, the three were in fact very separate entities, operated by three independent societies.

On November 1st, 2011 the Junior and Intermediate Associations merged into one entity under the Junior Shamrocks Society and has operated as one since.

In November of 2014, the Senior Shamrocks General Manager, Chris Welch, and the Junior Shamrocks Vice President, Rod Wood, sat down and began talking about how the two societies and teams could work closer together by means of a Partnership Agreement.

Today we would like to announce that Society Presidents, Jim Hartshorne of the Senior ‘A’ Shamrocks and Ron Hampton of the Junior ‘A’ Shamrocks have ratified that agreement affective March 1, 2017.

This means that although we are still two separate entities, we will be working together in every way possible. This translates to coaching, player and personnel development, common branding, similar uniforms and merchandise, working together on public events, equipment purchases, marketing and ticket sales. It will also translate to a common style of play on the floor as explained by Senior Shamrocks General Manager Chris Welch. “When we call a player up from junior,” said Welch, “he shouldn’t have to learn our systems, they should already be familiar to him. Under this agreement the three teams will work closely together to maintain similar styles of play.”

Prior to the agreement coming into effect the clubs enjoyed a positive working relationship as demonstrated by the fact that 15 of the 2016 Senior Shamrocks previously played for the Intermediate, Junior Shamrocks or both. This agreement will only make that stronger.

In the words of Junior Shamrocks President, Ron Hampton “We are thrilled to be working closely with a first class organization like Senior Shamrocks and outstanding individuals like Chris Welch and Jim Hartshorne”.

By bringing both of these organizations under one partnership umbrella both organizations can benefit from the excellent infrastructure that each possess. We are all Shamrocks at heart so why not organizationally as well.

Season tickets for all 3 teams can be purchased by phoning 250-478-ROCK (7625) or at the Shamrocks team store located at 967 Langford Parkway. Find out the many benefits of becoming a Shamrocks season ticket holder at

For further information, contact:

Chris Welch
Sr. Shamrocks
General Manager
Phone: (250) 889-6266
Rod Wood
Jr. Shamrocks
Manager Lacrosse Operations
Phone: 250-744-4963
Jason Sperling
Sr. Shamrocks
Operations Manager
Phone: (778) 677-8259